
Today was pretty guam.

We had plantains, gallo pinto, natilla, frutas, and queso again for breakfast. Exactly what we had two mornings ago, except this morning it wasn't weak. It's an acquired taste, apparently. This morning I was just feelin it. So go me for acquiring tico taste-buds. I'm so pura vida.

Class started early this morning because Abby was giving her natural history presentation on these freaky caterpillar tumors she found. I hadn't yet filled my coffee quota for the day, though, so I attempted to bring my coffee with me to the indoor classroom. Unfortunately, I am remarkably uncoordinated and ended up spilling half of my cup of coffee all over myself in the short walk from the comedor to class. Go me.

We talked about amphibians today in Ecology. Scott loves amphibians. It's his thing. And I don't use the world "love" lightly. The man has 100 frogs living in his guest bedroom. Ah! We asked him if we could come over and name them all (only one has a name!). He said yes. I cannot wait. I have been thinking up the most perfect frog names. I think one should be Princess Consuela Bananahammock, but I need to meet the frogs before I name them.

Before Spanish I was in the comedor with Geovanny and he put on some music and was like do you want a latina music cd?? And so I said yeah! Then he goes "mil colones." I was like are you kidding me?? This is no way to treat your amor! And then he busted out in English with "I need money! I need money!" Apparently he is due to pay his last motocicleta payment, and he has stooped so low as to hit up his amor for dinero. He is supposed to be my sugar daddy. What the heck.

Rachel showed up for Espanol today. She did her presentation that was due Thursday. It was on nuclear energy. I did my presentation on alternative energy and the population crisis. So kind of really similar.. whatever I went first so I win. Carla told us about everything that will be on our final on Thursday. It's going to suck royally.

For lunch we had ensalada, rice, beans, and GREEN BEANS! Mmm the green beans were so wonderful. Mother dearest, I would like tilapia and green beans within the first week of my homecoming.

After lunch Abs and I returned to D2 to get our OTH on. Sadly, Sarah Cheesecake has stolen season 2 and is holding it captive in Bungalow B. Really not okay, but luckily I have the campus stash of contraband DVDs in my possession, so we watched The Shawshank Redemption. Such a good movie! I hadn't seen it before-- I know, I know I'm not American. Geez. Well I saw it and I loved it so I feel that I should be vindicated.

Abby left for Espanol before finishing the movie. Foolish girl. So I finished by myself, then got out of bed fully intending on going up to the comedor for snack time because Cayman brought me news of jelly bread in the pan basket. I stepped outside my door and stood there, taking in the miserable misty rain and tornado winds that have been hanging around campus all day. After about a minute, I decided against the pan run and returned to my bed. It just wasn't worth it. Too much effort. I read my book instead. Much better choice.

For dinner we had this ginormous feast. It was bizarre. First came this weird salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, relish, and cheese slices. I only ate the cheese from it. Then hard boiled egg halves, then this weird mushy goop that tasted vaguely of curry..question mark? There was also chicken and rice and beans and loads of veggies. I don't know what the occasion was, but I didn't ask questions. For postre we had rice pudding with a cherry on top. Scott observed our dessert-eating technique, and I believe he described it as stuffing it down our pie holes. He was worried that we wouldn't be hungry for movie snacks. Ha!

After dinner we had amphibian movie night. There was a huge crowd. It was the 6 of us, the 4 students from the new group, the 2 new naturalists, Rachel, Scott, and Chris the new teacher. Oh and my new diptera bff. Cayman and I found this fly that was completely unfazed by human proximity. We were fascinated with him and thought that perhaps he was blind. But then we started petting him and he wasn't much bothered by that either. So I got him to climb on my finger, and he was just loving me. He just hung out on my finger for a while, and then when I scooted him off so that I could eat my movie snacks he just chilled right next to me. Then he flew away when we got up to rearrange tables for our roundtable discussion and Cayman found him on my back 2 seconds later. Seriously. Bff.

I think Scott might like us. Tonight he popped us popcorn and brought us Chikys and Oreos and told us to get Cokes from the campus store and to put it on his tab. Yahtzee! I had a Diet Coke for the first time since I have been here I think. It was really great. The movie was "Leap of Faith," a 15 minute film about this project in Panama to save amphibians from the chytrid fungus disease. Then we had an hour-long roundtable discussion about the decline of amphibians in the world. I felt very Ecology.

When diptera bff peaced out, I found a plaster bagworm to keep me entertained. They are these crazy little worms that we have all over campus. They're weird because they have these flat, diamond-shaped, dull-colored shells and they poke out from both ends of their shell. I have like 8 hanging above my bed. I like them.

Cayman and I saved our Chikys for peanut butter after the roundtable. So good.

And now I guess I could do my Spanish homework. Or perhaps not.

peace love and princess consuela bananahammock