
hey lovers

This morning Abs and I were sitting on the porch before breakfast and the most beautiful rainbow came and kept us company. I can't remember the last time I saw a rainbow, aside from all of the Costa Rica study abroad brochures, posters, handouts, etc. It's their thing. I would have been pretty pissed if I hadn't seen one before I left.

Breakfast was incredible. Finally the homecoming meal we have been waiting for! Coffee, frutas, gallo pinto, eggs (you know I love my eggs), and delicious French toast with syrup. Baby. I wish we had breakfast for every meal. That would definitely raise the odds of us getting panqueques sometime soon..

After breakfast we had our second class with Scott. He's still really intense. In all honestly, he kind of freaks me out. He's super intimidating. I am just not a science girl--never have been. Hopefully this will not be too much of a problem. Question mark?

For lunch we had salad, rice, beans, broccoli and cauliflower, and this weird bowl of potatoes and ground beef in tomato sauce. I opted not to partake in the ground beef potato goo, and loaded up on the rice, beans, lizano, and veggies. I was hungry two hours later.

They had this delicious warm pan out today--like a biscuit with jelly in the middle. I snagged the last one. And when I say snag I mean I full-on sprinted into the comedor when Cayman told me there was only one left, and took that baby right from under Susan and Jennifer's noses. Ha! Apparently there was also banana bread but I missed it. Karma I suppose.

Tess and I started back up with English lessons with Susan and Jennifer today. We went over family vocabulary and how to describe people. It was painfully boring. I'm afraid that this is my fate--the painfully boring English instructor of Susan and Jennifer. I just don't understand how the heck I am supposed to make up interesting and fun lesson plans when I was just thrown into all of this with no instruction whatsoever. It's really frustrating and I have come to completely dread 3:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ugh.

Steak knives had been laid out for dinner-- never a good sign. Today is Geovanny's birthday so he was MIA and instead we were stuck with Sylvia. Sylvia is like the antithesis of Geovanny. She is cold and slow as molasses getting food on the table and never brings out seconds and never comes around to clean up and always seems to bring out the crummier food. Well, with the exception of this morning I suppose. So anyways we were served steak. Very, very well-done hunks of cow. To say that Ecology enjoyed their platter would be quite the understatement. One of the girls had three slabs of meat, and homegirl gnawed on that stuff like it was her job. Oh my gosh she was just going to town. Then Michael asked us to kindly pass down our leftovers, because his tapeworm was still hungry. LLC readily passed along our platter-- all we were really interested in was the onions. I ended up eating rice (no beans!) with Lizano sauce and carrots. So weak. I blame Sylvia.

Except I can't be too mean to her because tonight at dinner I called her Esmerelda. Not to her face, but still. That is not even remotely close to Sylvia. Yikes.

After dinner we went on a night hike with Scott down to this gross cow watering hole because the man loves frogs. I was given one of the jumbo spotlights to hold, but that got old quick cause the frickin thing weighs like 20 pounds. So I handed it off to Tia-ita and mooched of the lights of others for the rest of the hike. We saw a ton of bats and birds, and Lucas's "crickey! crickey!" (fatty cricket) on the way over to our final destination. As soon as we got to the "pond," Scott eyed a fat cane toad and scooped him up with the net he had brought along. Then he grabbed the sucker by its legs and showed us all of its tricks. He made the poor thing pee and croak and all kinds of cool things. But the best trick of all was when he picked the toad's face. There is this fat pore where a cheek should be that when you pop it, all of the toad's poison squirts out. It was so unbelievably awesome and I really wanted to try it but as it turns out I am a real girl when it comes to frogs and toads and the like. I ended up catching a baby frog that still had its tail with the help of Abby's keen eyesight (and about 5 minutes of her trying to get me to actually see the thing) so that was cool. Then Ann bagged this FATTY cane toad and coaxed me into touching it. I was freaking out and squealing like a stupid girl, but I touched it. So go me.

Then Annie-poo started talking in the Crocodile Hunter voice. I tried to chime in, but unfortunately my Crocodile Hunter vocabulary is limited to "Crikey" and "Ay, matey"-- which isn't Crocodile Hunter at all. So then I was a pirate, until I realized that I wasn't much good at that either. Cayman was a cheap hooker, naturally. It was the obvious third to our duo.

As you can see, we take our night hikes very seriously.

peace love and eharmony