Katie Yang has suggested that I write too much about myself and not enough about mis amigas. So here's an update on my peeps:
Cayman dropped creative writing today because she was taking more classes than the rest of us were and it was crazy stressful for her. So she discovered a downfall of the small classes: the awkward situation that presents itself when you have to go up to your teacher and tell him that his class of three is now a class of two, and then have lunch with him an hour later. Yikes. But she already seems happier so yay for her. Our homestays start today, and the advice she received was if the oldest son, Ronald, tries to molest her, kick him. So that's exciting. Also she posted pictures on facebook. It took her like 2 hours to upload an album so you should check it out.
This morning Abby woke to find her clothes under siege. An entire colony of ants made their way into her laundry bag last night and literally ate her clothes. I am talking full-on holes. Shirts, pants, sports bras, you name it. Eaten. She is our volunteer superstar, of course. She has taken on more projects than anyone else combined I think. We won't be roomies for the next two weeks, which is sad. I will miss waking up to her beautiful shining face. And I'm sure she will miss me keeping her up at night with my coughing fits.
Tess thinks she has the flu. She gets nauseated whenever she tries to eat anything and is tired all the time. Poor Tess. She even skipped out on our waterfall adventure. I love her just the same, though.
Ann is super stressed out about starting homestays in addition to everything we already have going on, but she will be fine. She's so sweet.
Tia is crazy as ever. I love her very much. I think she has been included in my blog a fair amount lately so that is all. She's awesome.
This morning I woke up and FREAKED because I had a bug bite on my lip. Bad news. My first thought was the kissing bug, which Zack talked to us about at the butterfly garden. If it had been the kissing bug, though, it would have looked like a fat cigarette burn and would have killed me in 30 years.
Okay I am leaving for my homestay now. Wish me luck!!
silly gringo... im kinda worried that you are getting all sorts of diseases from your creepy crawler friends... grosses me out... im oficially freaked out... thank you.. and i love the random maine boy you speak of.. i hope he reads your blog and feels extremely offended for you dissing his dancing skills... because although he may be bad... not many can reach the heights of your amazing dance moves... that probably all come from muah. well... i hope all is well in you little hut/house that you are staying in.. love you long time
I can't believe your friend's clothes were eaten by ants!That is wild. I miss you! Good luck with your homestay :)
- Lisa
Sarah, don't freak us all out with your bugs haha. But glad everything is going ok for the most part. Please have fun, and i can't wait to see you in a couple of months. I heart you.-
yes. i loved all the updates on everyone. thank you sarah jennings. =)
really. i loved them. =)
ps- i did not mean it in the sense that your blog is too much about you. clearly it should be. it is your blog. hahaha. my comment was to try and get cayman or abby to blog and/or write me. haha. but i loved your shoutouts about everyone. your awesome. clearly. loves alot. miss you even more tho.
i feel like i leave you far too many comments oh well
i agree with victoria the bug thing is quite gross
i miss you
continue having fun with life in the rica del coasta
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